How do I know if my pet has worms?

Tell-tale signs that your pet has worms are an increase in appetite, swollen abdomen, occasionally weight loss and diarrhoea however most pets have no external signs. If you have a cat and your cat hunts it is usually best to treat them every 6 weeks with a worming tablet or spot on. If your cat does not hunt then treatment with a worming tablet or spot on every 3 months should be sufficient to prevent worm infestation. This is equally true for dogs. If your dog is prone to eating things when he/she is out on walks then 6 weekly worming would be recommended. Otherwise treatment with a worming tablet every 3 months should be sufficient. At present there is no spot on worming treatment for dogs.

We sell worming tablets, paste, liquid, granules and spot on treatments for dog and cats. Please contact us to find out the best worming regime for your pet. All worming treatments are based on weight.

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